Endurant has significant expertise permitting and building fuel cells – we are a Bloom Energy fuel cell engineering and installation partner. Because they provide reliable lower-carbon power, fuel cells lend themselves to integration into microgrids and have strong standalone use cases.
Find out if your property qualifies for an energy storage system
Fuel cells are quiet and have very low criteria air emission levels
If running on hydrogen, the only by-products are electricity, water, and heat
From retail to healthcare, fuel cells can be used for diverse applications across industries
Fuel cells are fuel-based, electro-chemical technology. They can run off natural gas or renewable natural gas (RNG). Commercialized hydrogen fuel cells are still in their infancy, but progress is being closely monitored by our team.
Contributing to our strength is our deep understanding of what will work for each client’s specific circumstances. Our expertise in integration with building controls and automation – as well as operations – ensures our fuel cell projects can deliver attractive economic and operational benefits across market segments including hospitals, manufacturing, education campuses, and municipal microgrids.